NaNoWriMo 11/19 Self-Deception & Passion!

Self-Trickery Scheme Follows

    ~~~~  11.19.14. ~~

~~~~ 11.19.14. ~~

When I feel uninspired and unmotivated, I’ve found a game of self-deception that’s been known to get results.

I tell myself, “Just describe the scene you want to write. All you need to do is a brief outline of what will eventually go in this spot.”

I respond with, “OK. I can do that.” And so, I begin to jot down in outline form what this scene will consist of.

to begin
it’s phrases
written grudgingly

The phrases lengthen into sentences.

Details gradually appear as the sentences grow in length.

Notes regarding potential dialog begin to occur and I write snippets of characters talking. Eventually, I’m adding he said-she said and pushing beyond into their reflections and the sequels setting them up for their next actions.

At some point, my mind and my spirit have synched up with the scene and I’m creating it with energy and enthusiasm.  After that, it’s a gratifying exercise to go back and flesh out the armature I’ve left in my wake.  It’s like turning on the right music and becoming energized. It’s possible, if you open the door, for the flood of your passion to come pouring through.  You just have to prime the pump.

Write. Write. Write.

Standard: 31,673

For the most part, this blog is about reading and writing m/m romances, but there are a few personal reflections, some writerly information, and a bit of writing practice. Thank you for stopping by.

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Posted in NaNoWriMo
2 comments on “NaNoWriMo 11/19 Self-Deception & Passion!
  1. Ellen Hawley says:

    Neat system. You fooled yourself into writing the scene.

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